TEDx Talk Video

Earlier this year, I was invited to present at the TEDxYouth@MileHigh conference, a TED-associated regional conference in Denver, Colorado.  I spoke about space colonization and High Frontier.

The videos have finally been edited and posted!  Here’s the talk:

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Help Available

A few players have asked for help getting started with High Frontier.  Sometimes it’s just an installation issue; other times, they’re not sure how to arrange parts in Design mode, or what to do in Manage mode.

If you’re in that boat, fear no longer!  We now have a handy Help page at HighFrontier.com.

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STEM on the High Frontier

We’ve just prepared a little white paper on the benefits of High Frontier for STEM (Science Technology, Engineering, and Math) education.

There are substantially more and better paying jobs in STEM fields than in non-STEM fields, but only about a fourth of high school freshmen express any interest in STEM fields, and half of those change their minds by the time they graduate.  What kids do have an interest in, though, is video games: 97% of teenagers in the U.S. play them.

So, this is a great fit — a video game that’s fun to play, and, by the way, also happens to have you doing real engineering and problem-solving in a high-tech area.  Read the paper for more!

And then please, go support our KickStarter campaign!